8位通用MP MCU
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The NXP® MC56F800x family of digital signal controllers (DSCs) offer the functionality of a microcontroller with a flexible set of peripherals. The entry-level MC56F8006 and MCF56F8002 DSCs provide cost-effective solutions for mathematically intensive, power-sensitive, real-time control applications.
部件编号包含: MC56F8002VWL, MC56F8006MLC, MC56F8006VLC, MC56F8006VLF, MC56F8006VWL.
快速参考恩智浦 文档类别.
1-5 / 37 文件
1-5 / 7 硬件
快速参考恩智浦 软件类型.
1-5 / 14 软件文件
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