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Your FRDM-KW38 comes loaded with a demo that flashes the multi-colored LEDs when you connect the board.
Note: Some unexpected behaviors have been observed recently with iOS system (It is not allowing all zeros address beaconing). New updated boards batches will come. So in the meantime, please follow those instructions to use the FRDM-KW38 beaconing FW with an iOS device:
or,BLE Beacon应用演示了信标功能。信标是通过三个广播信道发送的不可连接的广播包。后者包含以下字段。
安装了恩智浦物联网工具箱后,Open the application. Then, open the "Beacons" demo and the FRDM-KW38 Beacon will be displayed.
The IoT Toolbox can also perform actions once the beacon is identified, as an example, with this demo the IoT Toolbox can show a message when the beacon is detected. 您可以通过执行以下步骤来启用该操作:
Finally, user can also turn off or deactivate the beacons by holding the SW2
button for about 2-3 seconds in the FRDM-KW38. If the user wants to activate the beacons again, just press SW2
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面向FRDM-KW38的MCUXpresso SDK包括所有必要的无线连接协议栈,支持您借助Generic FSK和BLE开发解决方案。
Click below to download a preconfigured SDK release for the FRDM-KW38 that includes all the wireless connectivity stacks for the KW38.
You can also use the online SDK Builder to create a custom SDK package for the FRDM-KW38.
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恩智浦提供名为MCUXpresso IDE的免费工具链。
没问题!MCUXpresso SDK connectivity stack software also supports IAR .
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MCUXpresso配置工具是一套集成的配置工具,可指导用户创建新的MCUXpresso SDK项目,还可提供引脚和时钟工具,以生成面向定制板支持的初始化C代码。
To learn more about the basic interactions between the tools while working with either an imported MCUXpresso SDK example project or creating a new project within the IDE, watch this three-part video series: Basic Application Development Using MCUXpresso IDE and MCUXpresso Config Tools.
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许多示例应用通过MCU UART输出数据,因此您需要确保已安装了板虚拟COM端口的驱动程序。运行驱动程序之前,必须将板插入您的PC。
借助已安装的串行端口驱动程序,运行您喜欢的终端应用,查看MCU UART的串行输出。Configure the terminal to 115,200 baud rate, 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit. 如需确定FRDM-KW38虚拟COM端口的端口号,请打开设备管理器并在“端口”分组下查找。
不确定如何使用终端应用?尝试以下任一教程:Tera Term教程、PuTTY教程。
Test of Save.
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KW38无线连接软件包附带了一系列针对Generic FSK协议的连接测试演示。To see what's available, browse to the 'examples' folder: \boards\frdmkw38\wireless_examples\genfsk
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您也许想自己构建并调试演示。采用以下指南,了解如何从MCUXpresso IDE或IAR Embedded Workbench IDE中的“无线连接协议栈”中构建和调试应用示例。
以下所用示例针对Generic FSK连接测试演示,但这些步骤也适用于任何无线连接演示应用。
\docs\wireless\GENFSK\Generic FSK Link Layer Quick Start Guide.pdf
- "Kinetis MKW37A/MKW38A/MKW39A/MKW37Z/MKW38Z Generic FSK Link Layer Software" for more information on this demo application 这些步骤展示如何:
以下所用示例针对Generic FSK连接测试演示,但这些步骤也适用于任何无线连接演示应用。
以下步骤将指导您打开Generic FSK示例。
\docs\wireless\GENFSK\Generic FSK Link Layer Quick Start Guide.pdf
- "KMKW37A/MKW38A/MKW39A/MKW37Z/MKW38Z Generic FSK Link Layer Software" for more information on this demo application Something went wrong! Please try again.
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KW38无线连接软件包附带了一系列BLE协议的演示应用。To see what's available, browse to the 'examples' folder: \boards\frdmkw38\wireless_examples\bluetooth
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您也许想自己构建并调试演示。采用以下指南,了解如何从MCUXpresso IDE或IAR Embedded Workbench IDE中的“无线连接协议栈”中构建和调试应用示例。
The example used below is for the "Heart Rate Sensor" demo, but these steps can be applied to any of the Wireless Connectivity demo applications.
button and press SW3
to start advertising. Verify that the device is listed in the IoT Toolbox as shown in the next picture: \docs\wireless\Bluetooth\Bluetooth Low Energy DEMO Application User’s Guide.pdf
- "Bluetooth® Low Energy Demo Applications User's Guide" for more information on this demo application 这些步骤展示如何:
The example used below is for the "Heart Rate Sensor" demo, but these steps can be applied to any of the Wireless Connectivity demo applications.
您将看到以下弹出窗口。Click on "OK" to continue the import:
The following steps will guide you through opening and running the "Heart Rate Sensor" example.
button and press SW3
to start advertising. Verify that the device is listed in the IoT Toolbox as shown in the next picture Refer to
- "Bluetooth® Low Energy Demo Applications User's Guide" for more information on this demo application
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The KW38 Wireless Connectivity Software package comes with a hybrid demo application (Gen FSK + Bluetooth LE). To see the hybrid demo application, browse to the 'examples' folder: \boards\frdmkw38\wireless_examples\hybrid
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选项A:使用MCUXpresso IDE来克隆示例项目。
选项B:使用MCUXpresso配置工具来克隆与第三方IDE配套使用的现有MCUXpresso SDK示例。
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is routed as a GPIO to toggle the red LED. Let's disable PTC1
, and change the mux setting of PTA18
to use its GPIO functionality to drive the blue LEDPTC1
(Red LED) as a GPIO by clicking the PTC1
field under the GPIO column. 然后,该引脚将被禁用(引脚将不再具有勾选框),并从列表中消失。 PTA18
in the pins view. 最后,点击GPIO列下的框。该框将以绿色突出显示,并在引脚旁边显示勾选。 PTB21
also appears in the Routed Pins tab and PTB22
has been removed. 也可更新pin_mux.c文件来反映变化 C:\nxp_workspace\frdmkw41z_driver_examples_gpio_led_output\board
). Select Finish GPIOA
and the BOARD_LED_GPIO_PIN to "18" Something went wrong! Please try again.
Next use the Clocks tool that is part of the MCUXpresso Config Tools to change the clock settings and change the rate that the LED blinks.
). Select Finish Something went wrong! Please try again.
With the application modified, you will see the FRDM-KW38's blue LED slowly blinking. 您还可以使用终端程序查看终端输出。
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Tera Term是一款备受欢迎的开源终端仿真应用。此程序可用来显示从恩智浦开发平台虚拟串行端口发送的信息。
文档和视频 | 说明 |
AN4507 Using the Kinetis Security and Flash Protection Features | Using the system security and flash protection features on Kinetis MCUs to protect code and data from unauthorized access or modification. |
The FRDM-KW38 includes an NXP TJA1057 CAN transceiver and an NXP TJA1027 LIN transceiver.
文档和视频 | 说明 |
AN12377 Tuning I²C Timing in Target Mode | How to configure the I²C timing of a responder device to meet application needs, which apply to Kinetis parts that contain I²C IP instead of LPI2C. |
AN12948 Using LIN or CAN Bus to Upgrade Image on the KW36/38 | How to use the LIN or CAN nodes, which have OTAP capability to upgrade the nodes, which have no OTAP capability, by LIN or CAN bus. |
Demonstrates basic usage of the onboard accelerometer to implement a bubble level. A bubble level utilizes two axes to visually show deviation from a level plane (0 degrees) on a given axis.
Demonstrates signal transfer between controller and responder nodes using the LIN stack driver built on Low Power UART.
A number of driver examples exist within the SDK including I²C, DSPI, FLEXCAN and Low Power UART.
文档和视频 | 说明 |
AN12561 Kinetis KW38 Bluetooth Low Energy 5.0 Advertising Extension Enablement in Legacy Bluetooth Low Energy Examples | Provides instructions on how to enable new Bluetooth Low Energy 5.0 Advertising extension features in a legacy Bluetooth Low Energy example. |
AN2731 Compact Planar Antennas for 2.4 GHz Communication | This document focuses on helping customers understand enough board layout and antenna basics to select a correct antenna type for their application and avoid typical layout mistakes that cause performance issues. Several popular antennas are presented as possible solutions for IEEE 802.15.4 and Bluetooth low energy applications. |
AN12872 Anti-relay Attack Using GFSK | This document introduces the anti-relay attack using GFSK, focusing on the multi-link monitoring concepts and applications. It proposes a system implementation using KW36 or KW38 Wireless MCU. |
AN12977 KW38/KW36 Localization Based on RSSI Ranging | Provides an introduction to localization based on the Bluetooth LE RSSI ranging. It implements a simple trilateral localization system using the Kinetis KW38 wireless MCU. |
AN12517 FRDM-KW38 Co-existence with RF System Evaluation Report for Bluetooth Low Energy Application | Provides the RF evaluation test results of the FRDM-KW38 for Bluetooth LE applications (2FSK modulation). It includes the test setup description and the tools used to perform the tests on your own. |
AN12272 Use of Unique 40-bit MAC Address in Kinetis Wireless Microcontrollers | Describes how IEEE MAC addresses are handled in the Bluetooth low energy (BLE) and IEEE 802.15.4. |
FRDM-KW38 Radio Certification Documents | FRDM-KW38 platforms have passed the CE RED and RCC radio certification. Find information on the certification documents and test reports here. |
KW37/38/39 Bluetooth LE Range Performance | Provides information on distance measurements depending on the Bluetooth LE data rate using the FRDM-KW38 board. |
How to use the Bluetooth Low Energy protocol.
How to use the Generic FSK.
How to use the Bluetooth Low Energy protocol and Generic FSK in a single application.
文档和视频 | 说明 |
AN4503 Power Management for Kinetis MCUs | When and how to use Kinetis low-power modes. |
AN12459 Kinetis KW38 Power Consumption Analysis | Provides information about the power consumption of Kinetis KW39/38/37 wireless MCU when using BLE protocol and how the software and hardware are configured to achieve best low-power operation. |
AN5025 MKW4xZ/3xZ/3xA/2xZ DC-DC Power Management | Describes the usage and operation of the DC-DC switching Power Supply converter for the MKW4xZ/3xZ/3xA/2Xz families. |
Configuration for Unused pins/GPIOs on Kinetis | Best practices to configure a GPIO if the pin is not used. |
SDK中提供了几个示例、演示和驱动程序,帮助您快速入门。Some common examples for power management are listed below.
Demonstrates the use of power modes in the SDK.
How to change power modes in the SDK.
Demonstrates the usage of the ADC peripheral while in a low power mode.
Demonstrates the usage of low power mode on a Bluetooth LE responder device.
Demonstrates the usage of low power mode on a Bluetooth LE controller device.
文档和视频 | 说明 | 下载 |
AN4282 Using the Kinetis Family Enhanced EEPROM Functionality | Explains the features and usage of the Enhanced EEPROM functionality. | - |
FRDM-KW38 OpenSDA Bootloader and Application Webpage | Provides information about the power consumption of Kinetis KW39/38/37 wireless MCU when using BLE protocol and how the software and hardware are configured to achieve best low-power operation. | - |
AN12979 KW38 Integrating the OTAP Client Service into a Bluetooth LE Peripheral Device | Describes the integration of the Over The Air Profile into Bluetooth LE peripheral examples. | 下载 |
AN12980 KW38 Integrating the OTAP Client Service into a Bluetooth LE Central Device | Describes the integration of the Over The Air Profile into Bluetooth LE examples. | 下载 |
Reprogramming a KW38 device using the OTAP Client Software | This document guides to load a new software image in a KW38 device through (Over The Air Programming) OTAP Bluetooth LE service. | - |
SDK中提供了几个示例、演示和驱动程序,帮助您快速入门。Some common examples for device management and secure OTA are listed below.
How to use the Bluetooth Low Energy protocol.
Demonstrate flash driver usage in the SDK environment.
How to use the Generic FSK.
How to use the Bluetooth Low Energy protocol and Generic FSK in a single application.
Want to learn more about using the FRDM-KW38? 请查看我们提供的各种培训产品,从在线微型技术课程到动手实践的深入培训,获得帮助。
文档和视频 | 说明 |
使用MCUXpresso IDE和MCUXpresso配置工具开发基础应用 | 该视频系列分为三部分,介绍使用导入的SDK示例项目或创建新项目时,MCUXpresso IDE和Config Tools之间的基础交互。 |
AN12518 Hardware Design Considerations for MK39A/38A/37A/38Z/37Z Bluetooth LE Devices | Describes Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design considerations for the MKW39A/38A/37A/38Z/37Z 48-pin QFN (HVQFN-7 x 7 Pitch 0.5 mm) wettable flank package. Included are layouts of the component copper layer, solder mask and solder paste stencil. |
The Best Way to Build Your PCB Right the First Time Using the KW38 | All of the important documents in one place concerning radio performance, low power and radio certification. |
KW38 KW39 KW37 Hardware Board PCB Design-in Checklist | Describes the usage and operation of the DC-DC switching Power Supply converter for the MKW4xZ/3xZ/3xA/2Xz families. |
开启Project CHIP的未来 | In this session, we'll take a closer look at Project CHIP and illustrate how NXP's portfolio is uniquely positioned to support Project CHIP-based designs. |
Connect with other engineers and get expert advice on designing with the FRDM-KW38 on one of our community sites.
Installing Software for the FRDM-KW38
Download MCUXpresso SDK with Connectivity Software
Explore the Connectivity Example Code
Build, Run and Debug Wireless Connectivity Examples
Explore the Connectivity Example Codes
Download the NXP IoT Toolbox for your Smartphone
Build, Run and Debug Wireless Connectivity Examples
混合模式(Gen FSK + BLE)
Explore the Connectivity Example Codes
Download the NXP IoT Toolbox for your Smartphone
Build, Run and Debug Wireless Connectivity Examples